Shapeable’s customers are Industry, Society, & Environment sector based. Our hosted environment provides resources for members to record and store collective intelligence; benchmark and visualise data; track progress, trends and best practices on the topics they’re working on; and collaborate in groups for mutual advantage.


The Kelp Forest Alliance is a partnership of organisations and individuals working to protect and restore kelp forests. The platform records, tracks and identifies the conservation and restoration of kelp forests through research, education, and advocacy.

Shapeable is their technology partner to set them up for success as they grow. We have provided the digital platform to bring their community together, data-driven content tools to publish and share their findings and projects, and metrics that monitor the community’s aggregate progress towards 2030 and 2040 pledges.


Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) is focused on sustainability, renewable energy, and clean technology at a global scale. It convenes an international community of policymakers, industry leaders, experts and innovators to discuss and showcase the solutions needed for sustainability challenges. Through its parent company, Masdar, it enables the investments and creation of infrastructure that are needed for progressive change across the world.

Shapeable is providing their Net Zero Navigator, ADSW's knowledge and collaboration platform, which unites diverse stakeholders in their shared mission to achieve net zero by 2050. This AI-driven interactive tool analyses the key policy, funding, and partnership opportunities that can accelerate renewable energy and climate-positive technologies.


The Villars Institute is a nonprofit foundation to help accelerate the transition to a net zero economy and restore the health of the planet for all of its inhabitants. They connect the youth, who wish to become Systems Leaders of the future, with the current expert community - providing intergenerational and cross-sector learning. They promote the arts, biodiversity, and sustainable development.

Shapeable is their technology and project partner, supplying their public websites and community collaboration platform, that helps them manage and scale this transition to a better future.


Decriminalise Suicide Worldwide, spearheaded by Lifeline International, is addressing a life and death problem that affects 52 countries. Within 25 countries attempted suicide is a crime punishable by imprisonment, and in 27 more there are unclear legal frameworks. Their movement aims to support those who are in crisis by eradicating stigma, helping to change the law, and provide crisis lines, through a global network of passionate practitioners and best practices.

Shapeable is powering their digital platform, its public website and country microsites. This provides benchmarking dashboards of the state-of-play per country, process frameworks, guidelines and templated assets, and progress data to accelerate and report on systemic change. The ultimate goal is for each country network to have full control of their activities and messaging, to ensure that no-one faces legal consequences for seeking help during their darkest moments.


CollaborateOre is a whole-industry collaboration, led by the International Copper Association and Amira Global, which is propelling the metals and mining industry towards net-zero emissions by 2050. It brings together contributions from multiple stakeholders and is enabled by industry and government funding.

Shapeable is providing their collaborative impact platform, as an AI-enhanced venue for knowledge aggregation, emerging research, global data sets, measurable innovation uptake, and responsible best practices. This assists with informed decision-making, community acceptance, and advancements towards sustainable development goals.


GESDA (Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator) is an independent foundation supported by the Swiss and Geneva governments. Its objective is to interconnect the science community with the diplomacy and geopolitics community. The result is “an instrument of anticipation and action, giving priority to public-private partnerships on an international scale and to projects capable of providing solutions to current and future technological challenges”. All this is in the service of people, society and the planet.

Shapeable provides their digital platform to capture and display knowledge, data, ideas, and resources from experts across science and diplomacy. The GESDA Science Breakthrough Radar includes interactive data maps, decision-making briefings, news and research.


Rhodian is building a business ecosystem of independent underwriting agencies, with an ethical and equitable focus. Their funding, services and incubator model is supported by powerful technology, agency leaders at the top of their specialist field, and a culture of collaboration and shared success.

Shapeable is one of their strategic partners. Each member of their network manages their public website from the same unified collaborative platform, along with profiles of their people, company and products, and their knowledge assets. Our aim is to help the industry come together, share best practice, discuss its issues, its CSR goals, and find solutions to both business and social problems.


International Bridges to Justice and Justice Hub provide pro-bono legal representation for vulnerable people worldwide who cannot access justice due to poverty or discrimination. It is a global network of legal aid clinics aiming to end torture worldwide.

They span more than 20 countries, with government MOUs in over 85 countries, and a network of over 35,000 lawyers. For 20 years they have been tackling torture and the rule of law, and aim to solve it globally by 2030, in line with SDG 16.

Shapeable provides the digital platform and consulting to help them scale. We have modelled their systemic approach, created a portfolio of solutions, and templated working groups and community tools. They are now matchmaking funders and collaborators into productive teams.


OCSPA (Orange County Strategic Plan for Aging) is an industry collaborative, aiming to improve the lives of older adults in their community - one of the most rapidly aging counties in America - through strategic initiatives and policy making.

Shapeable were asked to research what data is available, and what systemic issues exist, in connection with Orange County’s aging society. The digital platform and report we produced maps the system of support and data available in Orange County, related to older adults, across four key areas: disability, the digital divide, food insecurity, and social isolation. As a living knowledge tool it combines a Geo Maps Data Solution and aggregated key resources. We provided six recommendations to improve the data standards, data sharing, and collaboration required to improve policy-making and funding in the county.


Biophilic Cities is committed to advancing nature-based solutions to ensure healthy and vibrant urban communities. The Biophilic Cities platform provides resources and support to cities interested in integrating nature into their urban design, planning and governance. They have grown out of the University of Virginia’s architecture department into a network of over 40 major global cities, with visionary leadership and a strong curriculum.

Shapeable was asked to help them realize their strategic plan to become a platform driven community, to align their partner cities around a common agenda, build capacity, and strengthen collaborations between groups of stakeholders.